The Book of John

R899.99 R699.99


  • Hardcover
  • Worship song suggestions
  • Beautiful imagery
  • Colour theme throughout
  • Each verse is on its own line for easy reading


Dimensions: A4 Landscape



The Gospel of John, one of the four Gospels in the New Testament, offers a unique theological perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.


Authored by the apostle John, it begins with a profound theological prologue, emphasizing the divine nature of Jesus as the Word made flesh. The book contains a series of "I am" statements in which Jesus declares his identity and mission. John's Gospel is rich in symbolism and spiritual depth, focusing on the theme of eternal life through belief in Jesus.


It includes distinctive accounts of miracles, such as the turning of water into wine at the wedding in Cana and the raising of Lazarus from the dead. The narrative culminates in the crucifixion, emphasizing the significance of Jesus' sacrifice for humanity's redemption, and concludes with the resurrection and commissioning of the disciples. John's Gospel stands out for its emphasis on the spiritual dimensions of faith and the profound relationship between Jesus and his followers.

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